Massachusetts Municipal Solar Rebates for 2011

Via The Boston Solar Company

Massachusetts Municipal Solar Rebates, or incentives, are broken down into three categories; Federal, State, and Utility. Of these three incentive programs, some will be eligible for all, while others may only be eligible for some of the programs mentioned here. Either way, it appears as if this could very well be one of the best times in the history of residential solar energy production to call a certified solar installer, Massachusetts.

Federal Incentives

The Federal Government is currently providing two incentive programs to residents of Massachusetts;
Energy-Efficient Mortgages and a Residential Investment Tax Credit. According to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Energy-Efficient Mortgages “provide the borrower with special benefits when purchasing a home that is energy efficient, or can be made efficient through the installation of energy-saving improvements.” The special benefits mentioned above are realized in many ways, and can be taken advantage of by both the buyer and seller of a residence.

Read More: Massachusetts Municipal Solar Rebates for 2011